Teams, Work.

Beacon - Status Tracking, Simplified.

Project search - charts

As a new option to provide a different visualisation of how your projects look, we've recently added the ability to display your search results as a chart. Let's take a look and see how it works!

Searching #

Searching works as it usually does, adjust your criteria and find what you are looking for, in this case, we're finding all projects tagged with 'DevOps'.


Display as chart #

Now that we've found what we're looking for, we can use the 'display as chart' button to view it.


Chart display

And now we have our chart!


There's a couple of things to note with this:

  • Bars are colour coded by status
  • We'll drop a light blue line to indicate 'today'. If this is not in range, we'll shunt it to the very start of the view or off screen.
  • Projects that don't have a target date set will taper out their bar to indicate that they're a little undefined. This will be projects that are 'pending'.
  • For super short projects, as in less than a 2 weeks, we'll extend the bar a little to actually show the details. Hovering over the bar will give the real tooltip info

Adjusting the view #

You can also adjust the view using the chart start date and chart end date options to narrow or expand the number of months on the view.
