Teams, Work.

Beacon - Status Tracking, Simplified.

Release 1.0.5

Version 1.0.5 release notes #

Support site changes and fixes #

  • improved documentation on support site for insights
    mobile view on support site refresh to ensure correct responsiveness

Data center app changes and fixes #

  • refresh of panel view to improve clarity of panel views
  • branding on help images and onboarding images made consistent
  • clarified when updates will display on the 'project home' and 'goal home' from adding an update to a project or a goal
  • badges are now consistently gray for comments and the sidebars - these don't update based on whether or not a user has seen them, hence consistency is more important than colour
  • badges on top navigation for project/goal (about, updates, risks, etc) understand when they have been viewed and adjust accordingly
  • on first install, a landing page is now present to give some indication on what to do next
  • links added to projects or goals without http/https now function correctly
  • adjusted copy link functionality to fallback to alternative method if the navigator api isn't present in the browser
  • removed unnecessary module in OSGi list when running in production mode
  • scrolling to bottom on project/goal pages is more consistent due to setting an explicit height
  • improved cache invalidation for front end on summary list
  • close button on banners now actually closes them
  • removed 'nothing more to load' text on paged lists as it brings no value
  • adjust help text on private projects/goals to be more explicit
  • centered labels on insights